CABEM Technologies Announces Partnership with ORS Interactive

A partnership to advance competency, compliance, and competitiveness of hospitality and tourism enterprises. ORS Interactive, Inc., Arlington, VA, and CABEM Technologies, Newton, MA, have entered into a partnership to modernize and advance compliance, competency, and...

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Web-based Solution to Automate Hiring Process

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Web-based Remote Monitoring for Data Automation Initiative

CABEM provides Climatics automation solutions to major US Test firms to automate the collection of environmental test data. The Climatics system used an old proprietary UNIX system that was no longer supported. The solution required the use of a staging emulator to...

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CABEM Integration Module for Hotel System Upgrade

CABEM integrates the property management system (PMS) of a Five Star Boston Hotel to valet and parking software using SHIM; CABEM's proprietary integration module was released in April 2003. SHIM simplifies integration techniques and allows for browser-based remote...

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Wins Contract for Web-based Environmental Evaluation Tool

CABEM Technologies won an 18-month contract to maintain and expand EKAT's capabilities. EKAT provides military users expert environmental guidance and automated report generation with a focus on pollution prevention, environmental compliance, and life cycle...

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New Strategic Relationship for Data Automation Initiative

CABEM signs a strategic relationship agreement with Spectral Dynamics to provide -based vibration data automation and report management system. TRM allows users to capture, group, reformat, label, and publish vibration plots electronically and securely. CABEM will...

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Updates TRM Systems and Enhances Data Acquisition Requirements

Continuing a trend for sophisticated laboratories using TRM to support their data acquisition and reporting requirements, MIT/Lincoln Labs became a client this month. In support of TRM, CABEM continues to expand the capability to prepare the product for larger market...

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CABEM Collaborates on Environmental Software Tool

CABEM begins work on Phase 2 of the Environmental Knowledge and Assessment tool (EKAT) in collaboration with M2 Technologies and Kansas State University (KSU). EKAT provides the military an automated software tool to identify, research, and evaluate environmental and...

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CABEM Evaluates Multi-site Email Software Deployment

As part of our Discovery program in our consulting group, CABEM evaluated a multi-site Microsoft Exchange email software deployment and provided written recommendations to improve performance for a public company. The customer had more than 20 different physical...

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